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Sunday 7 April 2013

Third draft design for film poster and Analysis

The films title of repression suggests that someone is repressing a memory. This indicates the physiological nature of the film. The main image fore the film poster is multi layered. It is showing the main character emotional with tears running down his face. There is also the number 11; 58 imprinted on the bottom of his brain. There is also a man looking very suspicious creating the sense of enigma and mystery. This poster employs the iconography of a physiological thriller through the emotional state of the main character as we can see tears in his eyes and the mystery and suspense of the man behind the image of the main character. The film stars appear to be Dominic Williams and John walker. Dominic Williams name is centred at the top of the film poster indicating he is the main star. His character of David Jones is looking very emotional. John Walker is positioned behind the image Dominic Williams this is indicating that he is more of a supporting actor within the film. The movies tagline is “Lost time is never Found”. This is referencing to the time of 11.57 imprinted on the image of the character David Jones.  The films target audience from the film poster is 18-30 and mixed gender. This is shown in the audience being able to relate to the characters, especially the main character. The film poster targets the sex of mixed gender this is seen in the emotional state of the character appealing to a more feminine audience and the mystery and suspense of the unusual looking character appealing to the masculine audience. The emotional state of the character is the unique selling point for the film poster as it emphasizing an emotional state of a male character.

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