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Sunday 7 April 2013

Black Swan Film Poster analysis

 The black swan is suggesting that the film is instantly a dark film. This is because
It invites the alternate dark version from the usual white swan. A black swan is also very rare this is adding an element of mystery and surprise creating the thriller part of the film. The psychological element is created from the main image of the poster as it involves an unstable emotional state of the main character combined with the mystery element this creates a sub genre of a psychological thriller. The stars of the film are Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel and Mila kunis. The name that appears first is Natalie Portman evidently she is the only image of a character on the film poster this gives the indication that she is the main star of the film and the other two are the supporting actors. She is positioned as covering the whole of the film poster wearing a tiara and presented looking like a swan. She seems to have red eyes showing that she is sad.  The background of the image is very bright. This brightness represents the blinding power of the spotlight and the overwhelming nature of being the star. The credits on the film poster mention accolades from a film festival indicating that the film is looking for awards. The pleasure being offered to the audience is a film that is highly regarded by critics evident to it nominee from film festival presenting the factor that the film is already successful which invites the audience to share some of the success. From the factor that the main character is a women round the age of 20-30 and is dressed with a tiara the film appears to be predominantly female and is looking towards the target age from 20-30 years of age.  The unique selling point from the film is the advertisement of the main star Natalie Portman she is a well known actress and presenting her on the cover would promote the selling of the film.

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