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Monday 29 October 2012

The manchurian candidate -Trailer analysis

The Manchurian candidate was a film created in 2004 it was based on the novel with the same name by Richard cannon. The 2004 film was directed by   Jonathon deem. The genre of the film is a psychological thriller. The audience is able to identify the genre through the unstable personal states of the characters. This is evident with the two main characters of Congressman Shaw and Captain Marco’s emotions changing as though someone is inside their heads. Giving the audience they are going to do events out of their control.  The target audience for the film trailer is aged around 30-45 and is mixed gender. This is firstly evident towards the characters involved, Congressman Shaw is looking to be at the age of 30-35 and captain Markow is looking to be slightly older. The genre of the film coincides with the age of 30-45 because it involves key elements that older people are more interested in. This is because it includes war, politics and the emotional state of a character. The gender of the film trailer appears to be mixed because even thou the two main characters are both male. The character who seems to be behind this sabotage to the characters emotional states of the two men is a woman. They have also broadcasted the name which is Meryl Streep a very popular female actress. The film trailer lasts for 2 minutes and 29 seconds. It also has a shot count of 121.  The transitions within the film trailer are mostly fades to black. Diegetic sound is used within the trailer as an information tool as it is used to tell the narrative to the audience. This is evident in the words of “somebody put an implant inside me and I got a good feeling they put one inside you too.” there is also another quote which says” flick of a switch and we can change the personality or adjust the character”. These quotes suggest that the two characters have been brain washed and they are under the control of an organisation of Manchurian global. This reveals that   the structure of the film will follow the two characters that have been brainwashed and will see a change in the emotional state of their characters throughout the film.

 The non-diegetic sound emphasizes the mystery to what has happened to the character. This is evident at the beginning of the film trailer, as there appears to be a very high pitched sound, which seems very unnatural. As thou emphasizing Captain Marcos mystery behind the nightmares which he appears to be having.  Towards the middle of the trailer there is a sound which sounds like a rattle snake. This sound appears to be at the point congressman Shaw meets Manchurian global. This initiates that there is danger appearing within the scene.   Towards the build-up of the end there is a sound which appears to be getting higher and faster as the shots speed up and then the sound stops as does the shots, leaving the title of Manchurian. What this does is the fact it interlinks with a convection of a film trailer to the fact it builds to a climax and ends.   Along with diegetic sound the trailer creates the sense of narrative by following the emotional state of captain Markow. As at the beginning of the trailer it seems his mind has been affected by the war and he appears to be delusional. As a quote from Congressman Shaw says “Get help Ben”.  However as the trailer goes on the audience are discovering that he is telling the truth about someone putting an implant inside of him and controlling him. This enables for the audience to understand that he isn’t crazy and reveals the people who may be behind the insertion of the implant. This reveals to the audience bits of information about the plot of the film.  However, it doesn’t release the information why they have done this and what will they benefit from creating that code of enigma. The trailer uses the titles of; “look closely, listen carefully, because everything is under control.”    These titles communicate to the audience the fact that the man is under control by the Manchurian Company; however you have to be aware otherwise you might not notice it.   The mood and expectations change throughout the film through the fact that that captain marcow may be crazy however throughout the trailer they release little bits of information, which makes the audience think that he might be on to something and telling the truth, already making them have sympathy towards  captain Markow. Throughout the   trailer there is a variety of close up shots on characters. This enables the audience to see the emotions of the characters being affected by the events which are enfolding.  This film trailer is very successful as a promotional device. This is evident due to the trailed including key facts like the man running for congress, the fact that the two characters of Shaw and marcow have been brainwashed. It does this at the same time with not revealing enough information that would ruin the film.                                      

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