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Wednesday 10 October 2012

Looper analysis

The genre of the film is a science fiction and action film .The audience is able to identify the genre through the opening shots of the trailer. This is evident in the conversation between the older man and the younger man as the older man says “I don’t want to talk about time travel.” This is telling that the film is going to involve time travel; therefore it is going to be a science fiction film. A couple of shots over the two men start fighting and shooting at one and other this instantly tells me the film is going to involve a lot of action. As these shots were right at the beginning of the trailer it sets the mood for the entire film and it gives the audience expectations about the film.
The target audience for the trailer is 16-30 predominantly male. The reason for this is down to the characters involved within the trailer. As even thou Bruce Willis is above the age of 30, he has been a key figure in action films over the last decade or so, therefore the audience is able to relate to the character.  The main character is seemingly around the age of 30 as is the women. The reason why the age goes down to sixteen is because am at the age of 17 I was very attracted by this film trailer and why wouldn’t I be? This film trailer has fighting, shooting, flashy cars, time travel everything to attract a teenage boy. The trailer is predominantly male as most o the characters are male. The film trailer lasts for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. There are around 86 shots within the trailer.Diegetic sound used in the trailer is either used as a voice over or a conversation between to characters. These two factors both explain the narrative for the audience. This is firstly evident in the conversation between the older man and the younger man. AS the younger man says “so you are me in 30 years “and then he says “We both know how this is going to end so why don’t you just die”. These quotes first explain that these two are the same people. They also explain that it isn’t a good thing he is here and the younger man wants him to die. This sets the tone for the trailer that there is going to be a lot of conflict between the two characters. This next piece of dialogue from the voice over of the film reveals the plot of the film this is evident in the words, ““In the future time travel is outlawed, used only in secret and by the largest criminal organisations. When they need someone gone, and want to erase any trace of the target ever existing, they use specialised assassins like me, called loopers.” This gives the audience information about the film and reveals the plot by telling us what loopers do.  Diegetic sound is used set the mood of the trailer and the mood of the characters. There is a strange sound at the begging as the sound goes da da da in quick succession when the camera cuts to a close up on one of the main characters. This sound is giving the sense that someone is getting caught off guard. As thou the character is very confused. When the shots begin to speed up, the trailer uses a sound with a fast tempo this gives the sense that someone is trying to track someone down very quickly.  There is also a ticking sound throughout the trailer as though someone is working against the clock.
The trailer represents the two main characters as one being a young man but the other one being an old man. Evan thou they are the same person within the trailer., they represent the older man as very wise and smart. This is very stereotypical towards the older generation of 50 plus.  They also represent the younger man asking gthe older man questions within the first shot this is evident in the words “Do you know what is going to happen”. This shows someone younger looking for help from some one older, this is like a student asking his teacher.

The narrative for the film trailer shows the audience being able to understand the implications for the younger man because the man from the future is there. The audience is put through the journey of how the older man is causing all this disruption not only to himself but him in the past and how he was a target who escaped. This reveals a little bit about the plot that the man has escaped. It creates the sense of enigma through the fact that we don’t know why he has escaped or why he is back in the past. The titles they use are the words “The only thing to fear is fear yourself. This communicates to the audience by telling that you should fear the man from the future for the younger man. The mise-en-scene is constructed through a variety of long shots and establishing shots. This is firstly evident in the long shot of the diner setting the shot for the first interaction between the main characters. There is also an establishing shot of a city which looks like it is going to be set in the future. The film trailer involves many codes and conventions. This is evident in the voice over being used to tell the story with the younger man describing what loopers are. The films title of loopers doesn’t appear till the end, The trailer builds to a climax as it Has a close up on a watch which looks like time is about to stop. The stars of the film are being showcased in the first couple of shots evident with the older man and the younger man.

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