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Sunday 7 October 2012

Second plot draft

It begins with four friends all around the age of 18, two boys and two girls. The four characters are walking up a mountain. Harry and jenny the couple of the group are far behind while Stacy has raced to the front trying to get to the top of the mountain first. She suddenly discovers a bag. She tells her friends about the bag and Jake (the selfish one) takes the bag of her. She then realises the selfishness of Jake instantly tells him that maybe we should put the bag back as someone could be looking for it. Jake refuses and looks inside the bag, he then notices a camera. He slowly shows it off to his friends before placing it in his back pocket. Stacy tells him to put it back with little force as even she new he wouldn’t put it back.

Jake and harry leave the girls and go back to jakes house. Within there house they start to fiddle round with the camera but nothing seems to be on it. Apart from the initials MIT followed by the words product cyber board.

The film cuts to the night time were Jake is just getting ready for bed. He then hears a crackling noise coming from the camera. He instantly walks over and looks at the camera were there appears to be a video playing. The next shot sees Jake looking at the camera becoming more intrigued as time passes on. Jake suddenly looks up puts the camera down and walks over to his window were steps out and jumps; he lays there dead on the floor.

Two weeks pass……. harry jakes best friend has wandered into jakes room during the wake of his best friend. He starts to look round jakes room then notices the camera. As he stats to analyse the camera a voice beckons for harry without noticing he slips the camera in his coat pocket.

The next shot sees harry filming objects in school with the very camera he removed from jakes room. Stacy notices harry and walks towards him grabbing the attention of the camera. She asks harry how he is and explains these past two weeks have been hard. Her condolences are stopped short when noticing the camera.  She is just about to question James on the camera when she suddenly sees the initials on the side. She grabs the camera of him and takes it to a computer were she researches the initials of product cyber bored MIT. She discovers the news the camera has been missing for several weeks. She also comes across a warning that the camera is a deadly weapon and will cause a possible threat against anyone’s health around the camera; As Stacy tries to tell Harry this he instantly tells her it’s properly a hoax trying to get the camera back. The bell rings and he quickly grabs the camera of her as he walks to lesson.

The seen sees Harry getting ready for PE as everyone starts to run out to the field he notices a crackling noise coming from his bag. The sound appears to be coming from the camera. Harry pulls it out and he is instantly attracted by a video. He starts to become intrigued by the video he suddenly looks up with the same face as Jake he grabs his belt hangs it to the pipe on the ceiling with a chair below and drops, dead. 

One day after the death Sees jenny Harris’s girlfriend crying by the area of the death. There she sits alone in the changing room nothing but a bag slightly open with a camera peeking through. Suddenly we are being familiarised by the crackling sound coming from the bag. Jenny tries to open the bag but is distracted by a phone call. It is Stacy. As jenny is on the phone the crackling sound gets so loud she can’t her on the phone. Stacy asks her what the sound is jenny replays by I can’t her you there’s something loud coming from the bag I think it’s coming from a camera. Stacy slowly questions a camera but then her brain remembers the information about the missing camera. Jenny drops her phone as her eye come instinct into a video within the camera, the phone still on Stacy suddenly hears a scream from the other end of the line. She instantly drops her phone and runs to the school changing rooms were there her face drops pale with bloodless and shocked, she walks slowly to the body on the floor instantly her eyes switch to the camera she grabs it and try’s to break it but it doesn’t break. Screaming and yelling at it due to the death of her best friend, she then sees in the corner of her eye her friends chest start to slowly pump and then she consciously put’s the camera in the bin. Her friend appears to be fine she said she just fainted and didn’t know what was happening

1 week later we are seen with the janitor cleaning out the bins he then comes across a video camera and places it in his pocket……..

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