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Thursday 6 December 2012

Limitless poster analysis

The names of the stars of the film are located at the top of the film poster. The first name is Bradley cooper. He is the actor who is situated at the front of the film poster. This shows he is the main character of the film. However another actor is also located on the film poster but he is located behind the main actor. This suggests he has more of a supporting role rather than the main role. The actors are both dressed in suites this is showing them as looking very smart and powerful as though they are very high up in life. Due to the two actors being male the poster reaches out to a predominantly male target. The target audience for the film will be aged at 20-35 this is due to the characters involved, the type of film genre the poster is insinuating and the imagery on the poster. As the main character looks to be at the age of 30 and the other character is Robert Deniro a famous actor which 20-35 year olds will relate to due to him staring in other films relating to the genre of this film. The imagery on the poster like the colourful scheme using modern advertisement boards compels with the modern target age of 20. The title of limitless suggests too the audience that anything can occur in the film due to the poster telling the audience that it has no limits and it is a faced paced film. This is a key convention for a thriller film. The billing block is located at the bottom of the screen it is also the same colourer as the sky. This is done because they are background images and letters which add to the conventions of a film poster. The tag line for the film poster is “Everything is possible when you open your mind”. This is suggesting that you can do everything if something opens up your mind to the full potential. However this does suggest more than one meaning. This is down to the fact that you will be opening up your mind through a medical source. The main image seems to be multi layered with two of the actors standing in the middle of the street in a city. The background image sees cars speeding passed connecting the image to the title of the film which is limitless due to the fact that cars are looking like they are going at a fast pace.  Giving an indication of what the film will be like. This film includes two sets of narrative in the background. This includes the writing on the left which says “unlock your potential”, and the writing on the right which says clear pill.  This employs the iconography to the audience through the fact that a pill is the reason for causing limitless action. The unique selling point for this film is the fact that it includes big name actors like Bradley cooper and Robert deniro. What makes this poster different from other film posters is the way the men look. This is because these men may have some sort of advantage over a normal human being however they are dressed smart and are not looking like they are doing anything special. This raises the question in wondering what is there advantage why are they limitless.

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