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Sunday 2 December 2012

Individual group plot

A man aged 20 male with the name lieutenant Paul walker is seen arriving on his door way in his army gear as he is about to get out of the car he looks at a letter sitting on his right chair. Looking at the letter forces him to have a flash back…..

Lieutenant Paul Walker is seen holding his gun looking out of a small gap in an old castle, he next shot sees Paul becoming under attack by the enemy. He then hears a loud scream up above him and sees his friend lieutenant parker has been shot. Paul runs to his aid but even Paul knows his friend is going to die. Parker tells Paul “life is too short look after yourself and look after you’re loved ones don’t make the same mistakes I did lieutenant”. And then he dies. Paul tries to pound on his friend’s chest but he doesn’t come back to life. Paul then screams out noooooooo……

The next shot sees Paul walker sitting in front of an older man in an office he then gives Paul a letter as the letter, which tells lieutenant walker that due to his unstable condition refereeing to the death of his close friend we are going to have to send you back to the UK.
The next scene sees him back in the present day pulling out the army gear from his boot. As he is about to pick up his army gear from the floor he reaches inside his pocket were he pulls out an engagement ring. Due to the words of his best friend that “life is too short” he believes now is time to ask the question to his long term girlfriend.

As he enters his house he notices his girlfriend, Sheila also aged 20 is sitting on the chair very upset. She then gives Paul the news he least wanted to hear, which is the fact she is having an affair with his best friend, His mind then feels like it has just been hit by a big thud suddenly he feels like he is back in the war. He slowly walks to the door stiff and shocked he goes into his car and then drives off

We then are introduced to the character of Charlie. Sheila reveals to Charlie that Paul knows about the affair. Too shocked by the words to carry on the conversation, Charlie drops the phone as thou he knows the consequences of his actions.

He then hears a rattling noise coming from the bottom of his room, but he then discovers that his front window has been open. When he closes the window and turns round Paul appears were he hits Charlie over the head with a metal bar, Charlie lies on the ground unconscious.

Paul takes Charlie to the top of a mountain, no map, food or water and leaves him there, with his hands tide. When Charlie awakes from being unconscious he has no idea were he is. He suddenly gets up, with his hand tied behind his back and strangely enough his legs not tide at all as if Paul wants him to find his way down from the mountain.

Paul struggles to get any sense of direction were he is going but his mind is too tired to think were he is going, his body takes a lot of hits from falls due to him unable to use his hand for balance. Paul is near the bottom of the mountain but still unable to see were he then sees a sharp stone on the ground he picks it up very smartly and try’s to unlock his tied hands. He is half way through cutting the rope but then hears rattling from the bushes. He gets distracted and puts the rock in his pocket as he is about to explore but then Charlie appears and he gets another bang on his head but this time he keeps his conscious. Charlie then picks him up and takes him to the nearby woods.

The next shot sees Charlie stranded in the middle of the woods tied to a tree. Paul then starts light up a fire and he then places a pan with water in on that fire. When the water starts to boil he gets it and poor’s it all over Charlie. He then starts to scream why you did it. Charlie is too petrified to answer him by the events going on.

Paul then realises he forgot something he quickly walks over to Charlie and whispers in his ear you better not try and escape I got as surprise for you.

The word “escape” ring into Charlie’s mind and he feels something digging into his back coming from his back pocket. He cuts the rope and sets himself free he starts to run as Paul is walking up to Charlie and he sees him running through the words and chases after him. Charlie reaches a river surrounded by pebbles and realises it’s a dead end. Paul also reaches the island and then Charlie realises it is about time he try’s to fight back. Unable to compete with the skills of the solider, Paul drowns Charlie’s head into the river. Charlie on the brink of death shouts out to Paul” you were never there Paul”, “I love her Paul and if you’re going to kill me for that then so be it”. Paul stops drowning Charlie and remembers the words of his dead friend lieutenant parker.

“Life is too short look after the ones you loved”. He then tells Charlie too go, Charlie runs quickly off. You then see Paul staring into the sky the camera then follows his eyes the end.

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