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Monday 11 March 2013

Momento trailer Analysis

Momento was released in 2000. The genre of the film is a physiological thriller. The audience are able to identify the physiological part of the film through the unstable emotional sate of the main character. There is also a set of mystery throughout the trailer regarding who killed the main characters wife. This employs the thriller side of the film because it gives the element of surprise and excitement for the audience. The film targets the age of 18 to 35 mixed genders. This is shown in relation towards the age of the characters being at the age of 30-40 and is shown in the violent of the scenes in the trailer appealing to people around the age of 18. The film trailer shows a relationship between a male and female which appeal to the female gender and create the target audience to be mixed genders.  The trailer lasts for 2 minutes and 22 seconds with 64 shots being used within the trailer. In the film trailer there are not many transitions that have been used. This could be towards the fact that the transitions take the seriousness out of the trailer. The diegetic sound towards in the film trailer enables the audience to understand the sense of narrative this is evident in the words “since my injury I cant make new memories”. This tells the audience about the physiological state of the man and what is wrong with him. Non diegetic sound is presented at the start of the trailer. This is evident with the sound of a fast car going past this emphasizes the confusion of the character as he doesn’t know were he is. Towards the end of the trailer there is also the sound of a light piano tapping and the sound of a violin. This emphasizes the mood and tone of the film trailer. The sense of narrative in the trailer is being told through the diegetic dialogue of the trailer. This is shown through the man telling us what is wrong with him and what he is trying to find out. The trailer reveals that someone has taken away his memory and it is the same person who has killed his wife. Telling us that the film is going to be about trying to find his wife’s killer, however creating that sense of enigma that even he could be involved into the death of his wife The opening shot of the trailer establishes the mood and expectations of the trailer. This is evident in a black and white shot of the man looking confused and not knowing were he is. This creates the mystery element of the film trailer and gives us an insight that he might have something physiological wrong with him. This then leads to the narrative of telling the audience what is actually wrong wih him. The expectations within the film are established through a variety of characters towards the fact that any of them could be involved in the killing of the main characters wife even him. Within the trailer there is a variety of close up shots of the main character to express his unstable emotional state. The studio used to market this film is called new market films.  I feel very critical when analysing the films target audience as I don’t believe the film trailer appeals to its audience of 18-30 because it doesn’t involve many key transition characteristics that other trailers may use to target its product.  Therefore this film trailer was not sufficiently effective as a promotional device for the film. However the reason for me analysing the film trailer was to see the psychological element of the film to study key ideas I could use for my film trailer. This is evident in the emotional state of the character and the sense of enigma to what happened to his wife and who killed her. The narrative of the trailer is also good not revealing too much of the real plot.

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